Monday, January 16, 2006

Hypocrisy in action.... Take 2

Pakistanis are protesting in the streets of several cities, chanting "Death to America" (another Iran in the works) over the attempted assassination of top murderous Taliban. Word on the web is the strike missed its target. But there have been conflicting stories about 5 bodies being dragged away from the target.

Here is the situation: The US strikes back at the evil people who are responsible for killing almost 3000 innocent people via suicide airline strikes. Of course to those responsible, killing infidels is justified by twisted, warped religious views.

Yet this very organization that was targeted, sends two suicide bombers into civilians in Afghanistan. 20 are reported killed and several dozen are wounded. What were the civilians doing to deserve this? The biggest group attacked was attending a festival, to watch a wrestling match. This was in the city of Spin Boldak, near the Pakistan border. The other attack was in Kandahar.

But there are no protests against the attacks against civilians by Muslims. Only protests against the justified attack by the US.

Hypocrites - May your God condemn you to eternal damnation.

Update - Check out the following article in Der Spiegel:
Local Insurgents tell of Clashes with Al Qaeda's Forces In Iraq
The link is to page 3. The following from the article:

For the next three days, Mr. Marwa searched through miles of lush farmland before he got to Karagol. When he was prevented from driving through the town by Qaeda gunmen, who shot at him on the road, he walked through orchards after dark.

He said a guide had led him to the house of a man who was known as a paid killer for Al Qaeda. The man consulted a notebook fat with names, but Mr. Marwa's relative's was not among them.

As he drew closer, a local insurgent warned him to stay away from Karagol, even if he was sure his relative was there.

" 'I advise you, if you know he's with Al Qaeda, don't go there,' " Mr. Marwa recalled the man saying.

Mr. Marwa finally found his relative in the local morgue. His legs bore drill holes revealing bone. His jaw had slid off to one side of his head, and his nose was broken. Burns marked his body. His knees were raw, as if he had been dragged.

"I was totally crazy," Mr. Marwa recalled. "A mad man was more rational than me."

I don't hear much Arab concerns about torture when the US isn't involved. Hmm why is that?


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