Saturday, November 12, 2005

Syria Round Up

Catching up on my news reading today. (I'm new to this posting my own blog, and spent a considerable amount of the day checking out features in the templates)

We have some considerable movements / blusters and/or threats happening related to the Mehlis investigation into the horrible assination of former PM Hariri of Lebanon.

Syria's leader Bashar delivered a scathing speech on Thursday.
Anton from Across The Bay has a great post describing this as Opting for Brinkmanship

My feelings are that Bashar has his back to the wall and will resort to violence (via his proxies)
Could that be why Israel is conducting aggressive overflights over Lebanon? (My gut feeling is Israel is sending a strong message to Hizbullah - "don't try to deflect attention from Bashar by attacking us")

Apparently Mr. Mehlis believes he does not need to negotiate with Bashar on the location where the interviews of the 6 Syrians he demands. (My reading of UN Security Console Resolution 1636 leads me to agree with Mr. Mehlis)

The following quote from The Daily Star is very interesting:

On the other hand, contacts between Damascus and some Arab leaders, including a phone call between Assad and Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak on Wednesday and a subsequent call between Mubarak and Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdel-Aziz, have revealed that concerned Arab countries are not willing to relay Syrian demands to superpowers.

I sure would be interested in knowing what those demands are, and why they weren't relayed.

Anyone read any speculations as to possible links to the bombings in Jordan and Syria upping the tensions?

I suggest reading the Nov. 12th post on Across the Bay, it has more info.

Found an english translation of Bashir's speech


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess my comments could be titled (More questions than answers).

Could the Lebanon overflights be purely recon in nature and not a "dare" to Syria or Hizbollah?

And what "demands" would Syria make of a superpower it had no courage to make face to face in the first place?

If I were the Syrians I might be a
little concerned about the US Marines on the border next door in
Iraq. There may be plenty of suicidal Islamofascists hanging out in Syria just aching to blow themselves up, but I think Assad wants to live and keep his grip on power.

11/13/2005 6:30 PM  
Blogger BobW said...

This seems a little more aggressive than usual.

Plus Israel has been elevating the threat alert on it's border with Lebanon recently.

11/19/2005 12:09 AM  

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