Khaled Meshall of Hamas says truce will end
he was speaking in Damascus:
"We will not enter a new truce while our people are surrounded and are preparing
for a new round of conflict," he said. "We have had enough of the truce while
our prisoners are still held."
Israel's IDF has had a 'hands off' policy towards Hamas (but not Islamic Jihad). Well this is a declaration to resume the shooting war. So why should Israel not respond? Oh I know why, because the world is full of hypocrits.
The Muslim world does not want a peaceful resolution to the Palestinians. They don't even really want Israel's destruction, or the US to get out of Iraq. If they got everything they wanted then the citizens would then turn their attention on to their own governments. And this is exact what the rulers do not want.
Think back to the before WWII. The US was isolationist. Yet Stalin used the US as an external enemy, to refocus the attention of the Russians away from the government. Same thing is happening now with North Korea, China, Russia and the Middle Eastern countries.
Take North Korea as an example. If they would stop threatening South Korea (and it was North Korea who started the Korean war, even though the Communists brainwash their citizens into thinking the US started it) then the US could remove their troops. Same with Iraq. If the insurgency stopped, the Iraq government restored order, the US will remove their troops.
So why doesn't this happen? Because countries like Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, North Korea etc. do not REALLY want the US out of their neighborhood, because then the attention would be directed elsewhere.
Same thing with the State of Israel. The Arab governments want it as an external focus.
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