Until the Palestinians stop the bombings, Israel shouldn't be pressured to help
Islamic Jihad did not agree to the latest round of cease fires, so Israel continues to take out the leaders. In the usual Tit-for-tat rounds, Islamic Jihad decides to murder more civilians at a shopping mall. Lutfi Amin Abu Salem, 21, was spotted before he could get inside the mall, but still managed to kill at least 5 people, and wound scores more.
Islamic Jihad also carried out the other 4 suicide bombings since the 'cease fire' went into affect.
Islamic Jihad does not recogonize Israel's right to exist, and did not agree to a cease fire. So Israel continues to attack. What do the leaders expect to happen? Can they be stupid enough to think a nation, any nation, will not respond to violence?
So what does the corrupt Palestinian Authority do about this? Nothing. Spew out the usual retoric that EVERY thing is Israel's fault.
The world should come to grips with the fact that there is no legitimate government representing the Palestinians. What pretends to be the Palestinian's government is an organization that does not provide for the people represented. And that is why groups like Hamas have a more favorable standing. I wonder how much money donated (that is correct, the PA has to survive by leaching off of hand outs) is wasted by corruption?
My thoughts are the Palestinians should start over and choose a new government. And I don't want to hear the usual complaints that they can't do this because of Israeli occupation. If the terror campain stopped, then there would not be closures or blockades.
Another conviction I hold is that both sides screwed up in the Oslo process. Israel for not coming to grips, or telling their citizens they will eventually have to pull back to the '67 borders, but instead dragging out the negotiations. Arafat did just about everything he could do wrong. The Clinton Administration was dumb for thinking that he was the person to deal with.
The Palestinians need to come to a decision, do they want a State that lives side by side with Israel, or continue with their masked goal of killing or driving out the Jews? Conduct a referendum. If the majority want to eliminate Israel, then accept the fact that would mean a state of war (except genocide would come into play.) If the majority wants to PERMANENTLY live side by side with the State of Israel, then it is up to them to stop the violence. Do not put the blame on anyone else but yourselves. It is apparent to those outside of the conflict that Israel only attacks when the Palestinians do, or Israel gets intelligence that some party is planning an attack.
I fully supported George W. Bush's decision to disengage from the dispute in his first term. There was no point in engaging anyway. Somehow the world (especially the arab world) thinks the United States can dictate anything to the Israelis. If that were so, then the US would be able to dictate to the Palestinians too.
[Oops missed a point - Update] - This is the part the makes me mad:
At the same time, the defense establishment has increased the number of entry permits for Palestinian workers who want to find employment in Israel. Their entry was barred after yesterday's suicide bombing but the ban is likely to be short-lived so as not to harm ties with the international community.
I do not agree that Israel should have to let the Palestinians in to work. Let them find work in Egypt or another muslim country.
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