Thursday, November 24, 2005

By this threat, Israel now has the right to kidnap Hizbullah members

Lebanese Prime Minister Faud Saniora demanded the return of the bodies of Hizbullah members who launched an unprovoked attack on Israel.

Another Lebanese Cabinet minister repeated the demand and warned that Hizullah might try the kidnapping stunt again. Of course who Hizbullah kidnaps would in all likelyhood be killed.

Mohammed Jawad Khalife (Lebanese Health Minister / member of Amal party) says the bodies must be handed over in order to avoid an escalation. Excuse me? Who caused the escalation in the first place?

The UN agrees that Israel has departed Lebanese soil. The Shaba'a Farms that Lebanon claims are officially recognized by the UN to be part of the Golan Heights, and therefore part of Syria. Lebanon can not produce documentation proving the land is Lebanese. An easy resolution to this is for Syria and Lebanon to sign new documentation granting the land to Lebanon. Why don't they do this? Hizbullah claims to be a resistance organization against occupation, and now uses the Shaba'a Farms as an excuse.

Why didn't Hizullah resist Syria's occupation of Lebanon? Israel is out of Lebanon, that is a fact. And until Syria and Lebanon resolve their borders (can you believe this is still an issue?!?!?) - the land is Syrian.


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