Sunday, February 19, 2006

Baabda Accusses France and the US of pushing for coup against the Lebanese Constitution

Sometimes you can't make up stuff better than this.
The accusation is that the US and France are pressuring the March 14th Groups to overthrow the illegitimate Lahoud.

The statement said French President Jacques Chirac was encouraging the March 14 groups to topple Lahoud before May of this year, because he would be too busy afterwards in campaigning for next year's French presidential elections.

The statement described the plan announced Thursday by the anti-Syrian alliance to oust Lahoud as a "coup against the constitution."
Of course the fact that Lahoud is in office is because Syria forced the ammendment to the constitution. But we can't speak the truth in the matter, we must use bogus statements about the constitution.

Cartoon Episode - My take

Because the Danish cartoon episode so pissed me off I decided to look for cartoons done by Muslims / Arabs that show their true face - hate filled hypocrites....

Here is a good write up about Anti-Semitism (with sample cartoons):
Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs

And some from the Anti-Defamation League:
adl Note the lies about which monsters actually flew the planes into World Trade Center

Cartoons from Saudi Arabia:

More at honest reporting...

Example of their compassion:

"The unbelievers, idolaters, and others like them must be hated and despised," Al-Tarekee writes. "We must stay away from them and create barriers between us and them." He adds: "Qur'an forbade taking Jews and Christians as friends, and that applies to every Jew and Christian, with no consideration as to whether they are at war with Islam or not."

A good selection of pictures can be found here.

AlJazeerah's collection.

And finally why is the US targeted?

More calls for Hizbullah's disarmement (in line with UN Security Council Resolution 1595)

The Resolution calls for the disarming of militias in Lebanon. That includes Hizbullah and the Palestinian groups. But Syria and Iran do not want this because it would take away a major portion of their influence in Lebanon.
In April Terje-Roed Larsen, the UN Secretary General's envoy, will be returning to the area to check the status of the implementation of 1595. Of course he will find that Hizbullah has not disarmed.

I found an article that I did not expect to (from non-Western sources) that call on Hizbullah to get off the fence and either disarm or become an armed opposition to the Governement of Lebanon:

Hizbullah should not be allowed to play on two levels, to retain the "resistance card" while joining the Lebanese political process in Parliament and the Cabinet.
Prime Minister Siniora should move the dialogue with Hizbullah to the level of forcing the party to select either a role as a political party and player in the framework of the State and the Army, or an armed opponent of the State and the Army.
The Martyrs' Square gathering gave PM Siniora this authority, and the international community should help him with this. If it is proven that weapons are being transported to the resistance with the blessings of the Lebanese Army, this development should be dealt with immediately, either by issuing strict new laws or new leaders for the Army. There is also the need to bring down Emile Lahoud as quickly as possible, as well as do away with the "resistance card" so that only the Army carries arms and takes its orders from a legitimate government, and not an illegitimate president.

The 'resistance' excuse is bogus in my opinion. If the legitimate Lebanese Army were to take control of their land and borders, Israel would not be retaliating against provocations. Instead we have Hizbullah (and by extension Iran and Syria) instigating trouble on the border. What good does this have for the Lebanese people? None. The provocations only serve Syria and Iran's needs, all at the expense of Lebanon and Israel.

Hamas' Aziz Duwaik admits Holocaust?

Been real busy lately with work. Sorry for no posts is quite a while.

I read this article and was amazed that a Hamas member admits the Holocaust. Apparently he hasn't listened to the denial coming out of Iran.

But I disagree with his take on the Danish cartoons. Muslims draw cartoons depicting the Jews as sub-humans. They have no problem doing it, and they need to get off their hypocritical viewpoint that it is ok.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Iran plans to publish Holocaust (denial) cartoons

Unless Iran is willing to acknowledge freedom of speach / press - then I do not think that they are entitled to this 'stunt'. But we all know what freedom's Iran tolerates.

But no, freedom of expression is not allowed - not even in countries where permitted.
We now have clerics demanding the cartoonists' death.

The cleric banned from Britain calls for the death of cartoonists.
read the article.
I seriously doubt any religion that gives man the right to judge.

700 million dollars missing from PA funds

AlJazeera ran a story about a huge sum of money missing from the Palestinian Authority funds.
This is the legacy that Arafat left - corruption.
While good intentioned people / governments donated vast sums of money for the benefit of the Palestinian people, thieves instead lined their own pockets.

Now do not get me wrong, there is corruption everywhere. But it is sad that the Palestinian people really could have used this money.

I find it interesting that the cases are coming to light only AFTER Hamas wins, but yet to form a government. Could this be that some are trying to 'steal the thunder' before Hamas takes over the government? Either way, uncovering it is still a great thing no matter what the 'revealers' motivations are.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Hamas Refuses to Recognize Israel's Right To Exist

According to an AlJazeera article Hamas ponders a long term truce instead.

Khalid Mishaal (head of political and military wings of Hamas) said Hamas will not abandon its long term goal of destroying Israel. Then Israel should not abandon its long term goal of destroying Hamas. If it is Ok for Hamas to have this goal, then there is no argument against Israel having the same goal against Hamas.

Mishaal is not saying if Israel leaves the West Bank then that is enough - no he is saying nothing Israel does short of being destroyed (and folks that means murder every last Man, Woman and Child) is sufficient.

So if he has the right to declare this - I have the right to declare Hamas has no right to exist either.

But there is another interesting thing in the AlJazeera article if one notices. 'Head of political AND military wings of Hamas'. This implies there is no separation. And if there is no separation then the Hamas leaders in Syria are in fact launching terrorist attacks against Israel. Thereby Syria is actively conducting acts of war against Israel.

One wonders how long Hamas will remain in power (unless they starting acting like Russia and suppress dissent); a survey released by the Ram Allah-based Near East Consulting Institute showed 84% of those surveyed in the West Bank and Gaza Strip want a peace agreement. Further 73% responded that Hamas should "change its position on the elimination of the state of Israel". These numbers are significant. 77% of Hamas voters want a settlement.

The time for Extremism is over.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

More about the Danish Cartoons

Once again I have to give credit to AlJazeera (english version, do not know if other languages are reporting the same thing - anyone know if they are?) for writing a balanced article.
In the article they give space to the view points of the EU. And more importantly they spell out how the free press works in Western countries.

But to those who are protesting the publication of the cartoons I have this to say:

You believe in or call for the killing of infidels. We believe in free speach. Your position is extreme. You lack the ability for critical thought. There is no proof of ANY God. And if there is no God, then you are just calling for murder plain and simple.

You claim to believe in the same God as Jews and Christians. Yet the God of Jews and Chritians does not give the power to judge over fellow humans.

In the past Religous authorities put to death people who claimed the world was not flat.
But they were wrong now weren't they?