Saturday, February 04, 2006

Hamas Refuses to Recognize Israel's Right To Exist

According to an AlJazeera article Hamas ponders a long term truce instead.

Khalid Mishaal (head of political and military wings of Hamas) said Hamas will not abandon its long term goal of destroying Israel. Then Israel should not abandon its long term goal of destroying Hamas. If it is Ok for Hamas to have this goal, then there is no argument against Israel having the same goal against Hamas.

Mishaal is not saying if Israel leaves the West Bank then that is enough - no he is saying nothing Israel does short of being destroyed (and folks that means murder every last Man, Woman and Child) is sufficient.

So if he has the right to declare this - I have the right to declare Hamas has no right to exist either.

But there is another interesting thing in the AlJazeera article if one notices. 'Head of political AND military wings of Hamas'. This implies there is no separation. And if there is no separation then the Hamas leaders in Syria are in fact launching terrorist attacks against Israel. Thereby Syria is actively conducting acts of war against Israel.

One wonders how long Hamas will remain in power (unless they starting acting like Russia and suppress dissent); a survey released by the Ram Allah-based Near East Consulting Institute showed 84% of those surveyed in the West Bank and Gaza Strip want a peace agreement. Further 73% responded that Hamas should "change its position on the elimination of the state of Israel". These numbers are significant. 77% of Hamas voters want a settlement.

The time for Extremism is over.


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