Tide turning on al-Qaeda in Iraq?
The Government still has not been formed in Iraq. It is a good thing that no one party won enough votes to form a Government by themselves. Had that happened the situation would have been worse, because the Sunnis would have certainly felt left out.
Now the parties have to work together - and that means some deal making.
And the Sunni insurgents are turning on the foreign animals who kill indiscriminately.
No matter where you stand on the war, this (costly in terms of lives lost) has opened an opportunity for the Iraqi citizens to decide their future.
Let us hope that both the insurgents and the pro-government people stop looking at what can they get out of the current deal making, but how to shape their country's future. Their descendents are the ones who will inherit the ramifications of their deals. Make the choice for your children and their children.
If the support for further bloodshed ebbs, progress can be made.
And when you call for the US to stop occupying your country, make similar demands that Iranian agents leave (and stop meddling.) Iran does not want your country to be strong again, and is doing things to keep it that way.
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