Saturday, March 04, 2006

Bush's Double Standard on Democracy?

Imran Khan, a former international cricket star and member of Pakistan's parliament, wanted to lead a protest against Bush. Here is why:

Khan said the protest would still go forward and was aimed at highlighting "Bush's double standard, claiming that his foreign policy goal is to promote freedom and democracy in the Muslim world and here's he come to support a military dictator. A serving general running the country and calling it democracy, it's just making fools out of us."

Now let me get this straight, a Religious Dictatorship is ok for Muslims, but not a Military Dictatorship? Either one is bad in my opinion. Which type of Government does Khan want? If he wants a true democracy (which if I am not mistaken, the last elected Government was so corrupt it was a total mess), then he is not on the 'right side' with the religous segments of his society.

Also one doesn't have to imagine the outrage that would have been forthcoming had Bush NOT visited Pakistan after his visit with India.

Personally I think that Bush should not have gone to Pakistan. The US is not liked by a very sizable segment of Pakistan. And the Taliban are freely operating out of Pakistan.


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