Sunday, March 05, 2006

Why is part of al-Qaeda's Ayman Zawahiri's speach not mentioned in English version of Aljazeera's story?

Ayman Zawahiri called on Muslims to stop the West from "stealing Muslim oil".
But Aljazeera's English article makes no reference to this part of the speach they broadcast.

That is a major ommision in my opinion.

Another interesting part is Zawahiri does not call for stopping the 'East' (i.e. China) from getting oil.

The organization declared war on the West because the leadership is afraid of the East. They know that the West will fight a restrained war against them, and the 'East' would fight back without restraint.

Remember it was the US who risked its pilots to fight Serbia, to protect the Muslims in Kosovo. (The Europeans had no backbone to do this, and it was 'their' war to conduct) Russia and China (the 'East') were against the war. The Serbians were committing war crimes against the Muslims in Kosovo. So why is it that Zawahiri singles out the West in his speach?


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