What are the US Presidental candidates saying about the armed thugs in Lebanon?
Statement of Senator Barack Obama on the situaton [sic] in Lebanon
Chicago, IL | May 09, 2008
Hezbollah's power grab in Beirut has once more plunged that city into violence and chaos. This effort to undermine Lebanon's elected government needs to stop, and all those who have influence with Hezbollah must press them to stand down immediately. It's time to engage in diplomatic efforts to help build a new Lebanese consensus that focuses on electoral reform, an end to the current corrupt patronage system, and the development of the economy that provides for a fair distribution of services, opportunities and employment. We must support the implementation of UN Security Council Resolutions that reinforce Lebanon's sovereignty, especially resolution 1701 banning the provision of arms to Hezbollah, which is violated by Iran and Syria. As we push for this national consensus, we should continue to support the democratically elected government of Prime Minister Siniora, strengthen the Lebanese army, and insist on the disarming of Hezbollah before it drags Lebanon into another unnecessary war. As we do this, it is vital that the United States continues to work with the international community and the private sector to rebuild Lebanon and get its economy back on its feet.
Just what does he think diplomacy is going to accomplish? Does he think that Iran's leaders are going to say "Awe shucks you are right, we need to act in a responsible manner in the World."
Talking to those who thrive on chaos, who forment armed insurrections is not going to work.
These people only know strength. Right now they are willing to maim, kill or subjugate anyone who doesn't bow to their demands. They haven't paid an unmanageable price for their actions yet. Just wait till the test their atomics - they will have no fear anymore.
Hillary Clinton Statement on Lebanon
I am very concerned about the current situation in Lebanon. Hezbollah-allied militias, using weapons supplied by Iran and Syria, have seized control of West Beirut and are demanding that Prime Minister Fouad Siniora resign and hand over power to a military government. This is both an illegal challenge to a democratically-elected government and an issue of regional stability with international consequences.
The United States must actively support the sovereignty of the Lebanese government and the independence of Lebanon.
The United States needs to engage in vigorous diplomacy with its regional allies to support the Lebanese government. Outside parties, such as Iran and Syria, must immediately stop their interference in Lebanon and allow the election of the President to proceed.
Her campaign seems grounded more in reality when it comes to the Middle East.
Although diplomacy is not going to get Iran and Syria to stop subverting the laws of Lebanon.
I did not find anything on McCain’s official website.
McCain Calls For Pressure On Syria To Cease Lebanon Violence
ABC News’ Jan Simmonds Reports: Speaking to reporters in Columbia, South Carolina today, John McCain called for pressure "to be brought to bear on Syria” for their role in the recent violence in Lebanon. The Republican presumptive nominee called Syria a “major motivator” of Hezbollah and called for the United Nations to take firmer action to secure peace in the region.
McCain also cited the United Nations Security Council’s “failure to implement” its resolution to disarm Hezbollah and a called for greater sense of urgency from nations with interests in the Middle East to work towards bringing a long term end to the fighting.
I am surprised he did not mention the real problem, Iran. Syria is becoming a vassal state to Iran. Iran is a threat to more than just the Middle East, and growing each day.
There is no need to hope for anything intelligent to come from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
Maybe she needs to make another trip to visit her friends in Syria?
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