Monday, January 23, 2006

NSA monitoring inside the US

The Washington Post had an article yesterday about both the Democrats' and Republicans' calls for the wiretapping laws to be revisited.

The Democrats were all over the story when it broke, as a means to further their political ambitions. But (dumb ass - I open my mouth when I shouldn't) Osama bin Laden's latest 'threats' did not help the case against the wiretapping.

This is a touchy subject for Americans - as our constitution was written to protect the citizens against the Government (remember the saying "... Power Corrupts, Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely...")

But times are different. We are fighting back against forces that do not abide by Internation Laws concerning warfare. We are fighting external enemies as well as their 5th columns within our land.

As the article linked says, those originally jumping all over this issue do not want to be seen as failing to protect ourselves.


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