Sunday, March 12, 2006

Quick roundup of the 'Culture of Hate'

It doesn't take long before you run into articles showing the ongoing 'Culture of Hate'.

The world is heading into some serious troubles. Until these people come to their senses, evil will continue to walk the earth.

Hamas has website dedicated to kids to indoctrinate them into becoming Suicide Bombers.

Culture of Torture:

The body of murdered American peace activist Tom Fox, 54, was found Friday in W Baghdad

March 11, 2006, 12:45 PM (GMT+02:00)

He had been tortured before being shot several times. Kidnapped in Iraq with fellow Canadian-based Christian Peacemaker Teams British Norman Kember and Canadians James Loney and Harmeet Sing Sooden last November, Fox did not appear with them on a videotape aired Tuesday by Al Jazeera.

Amazingly the torture was also reported on Gulfnews.

If you want some graphic footage of Arab torture in action (from Saddam's rule) visit EHOWA. Warning graphic. Don't forget the 'morale outrage' of the Muslim street about the US actions at the prision in Iraq. (But they are not the only ones, the Moonbat Left in the West also ignore the culture of hate and only concentrate on the West's actions.)

There doesn't seem to be much media coverage of Russian, Chinese, Iran etc. use of torture.

Not to mention the mild / non-existant condemnation of the continuing daily carnage in Iraq.

What we have here is evil animals running wild, under the pretenses of Religious Duties.


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