Milosevic dead, where are the celebrations?
Milosevic, the ruthless Serb dictator, was found dead in his cell at the UN detention center near The Hague. He was on trial for crimes against humanity, genocide and war crimes.
He is attributed to the masterminding the wars in Kosovo, Bosnia and Croatia. Hundreds of thousands died.
One gruesome action that occurred during these wars was the massacre of approximately 8,000 Muslims in Srebrenica, in 1995.
So I decided to search for celebrations in Muslim countries, or statements from Muslim leaders.
I couldn't find any yet. All that AlJazeera attributes quotes to are people from the West.
Are non-Arab Muslims not worth consideration? Considering the lack of concern about what is happening in Darfur in Sudan, you could think this is true.
But I feel something else is at play here. I think that the vast outrages expressed by Muslims (particularly in the Middle East) are fueled (by the Imams) more by fear of the West's Democracy and freedom of the people.
Little credit is given to George Bush's pressuring Israel to allow the Palestinians' recent elections where Hamas was almost certain to win, nor the toppling of the ruthless Saddam regime (where torture was common.) Iraq's current violent circumstances are the result of those who are either afraid of letting democracy flourish (old elements of Saddam's regime with the help of Iran, Syria and maybe Saudi Arabia) as well as the elements that are trying to establish another Religious Dictatorship.
Groups in the past as well as the present who side more with existing and prior Communist dictatorships (instead of freedoms and democracy) show their true face. And we can not have any outrage committed by Allies of those Communist Dictatorships (i.e. Serbia) held to the same standards as the West.
Blatant Hypocrisy in action.
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