Sunday, May 04, 2008

Search for positive contributions to Humanity from the Middle East.

I thought I would try something interesting.
What contributions to the people of this earth has come from the Middle East?
Things like beneficial scientific advances, medicines, improvements in agriculture, advances in physics, biology etc.

What cars, airplanes, communication devices have come out of the Middle East?

1950 BC - Babylonians solve quadratic equations
1850 BC - know Pythagoras's Theorem.
1750 BC - The Babylonians solve linear and quadratic algebraic equations, compile tables of square and cube roots. They use Pythagoras's theorem and use mathematics to extend knowledge of astronomy.

810 AD - Al-Khwarizmi writes important works on arithmetic, algebra, geography, and astronomy. In particular Hisab al-jabr w'al-muqabala (Calculation by Completion and Balancing), gives us the word "algebra", from "al-jabr". From al-Khwarizmi's name, as a consequence of his arithmetic book, comes the word "algorithm".


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