Sunday, March 12, 2006

(Ex) Muslim woman dares to speak out

[ Hat tip ]
Found an article about Dr. Wafa Sultan who criticizes the state in which the Muslim world has become. Dr. Wafa Sultan is a Syrian who with her family left in 1989, for the United States.

She complains about how her Religion has turned into one based upon hate.

What turned her against her Religion? She witnessed firsthand the Muslim Botherhood bursting into her classroom at the University of Aleppo (in Syria) in 1979 and shoot her professor hundreds of times, chanting "God is Great"

Here is a small quote from her appearance on Al Jazeera back in Feburary:

"The clash we are witnessing around the world is not a clash of religions or a clash of civilizations," Dr. Sultan said. "It is a clash between two opposites, between two eras. It is a clash between a mentality that belongs to the Middle Ages and another mentality that belongs to the 21st century. It is a clash between civilization and backwardness, between the civilized and the primitive, between barbarity and rationality."

She said she no longer practiced Islam. "I am a secular human being," she said.

The other guest on the program, identified as an Egyptian professor of religious studies, Dr. Ibrahim al-Khouli, asked, "Are you a heretic?" He then said there was no point in rebuking or debating her, because she had blasphemed against Islam, the Prophet Muhammad and the Koran.

Read the rest of the article on NYTimes here. (Requires registration)

Needless to say, the fanatics are now aiming to kill her (I'm sure the animals will torture her first.) No one is safe from the cult of death.

Roed-Larsen heading to Moscow to discuss UN Resolution 1559

Terje Roed-Larsen is the U.N. special envoy, who is tasked with implementing the Resolution.

To me this is a waste of his time. Russia seems more inclined to revive it's past behavior and resume support of various armed militias. This was the former Soviet Union's normal behavior, and Putin is moving Russia back towards the former Soviet Unions policies.

Milosevic dead, where are the celebrations?

Milosevic, the ruthless Serb dictator, was found dead in his cell at the UN detention center near The Hague. He was on trial for crimes against humanity, genocide and war crimes.
He is attributed to the masterminding the wars in Kosovo, Bosnia and Croatia. Hundreds of thousands died.

One gruesome action that occurred during these wars was the massacre of approximately 8,000 Muslims in Srebrenica, in 1995.

So I decided to search for celebrations in Muslim countries, or statements from Muslim leaders.
I couldn't find any yet. All that AlJazeera attributes quotes to are people from the West.

Are non-Arab Muslims not worth consideration? Considering the lack of concern about what is happening in Darfur in Sudan, you could think this is true.

But I feel something else is at play here. I think that the vast outrages expressed by Muslims (particularly in the Middle East) are fueled (by the Imams) more by fear of the West's Democracy and freedom of the people.

Little credit is given to George Bush's pressuring Israel to allow the Palestinians' recent elections where Hamas was almost certain to win, nor the toppling of the ruthless Saddam regime (where torture was common.) Iraq's current violent circumstances are the result of those who are either afraid of letting democracy flourish (old elements of Saddam's regime with the help of Iran, Syria and maybe Saudi Arabia) as well as the elements that are trying to establish another Religious Dictatorship.

Groups in the past as well as the present who side more with existing and prior Communist dictatorships (instead of freedoms and democracy) show their true face. And we can not have any outrage committed by Allies of those Communist Dictatorships (i.e. Serbia) held to the same standards as the West.

Blatant Hypocrisy in action.

Quick roundup of the 'Culture of Hate'

It doesn't take long before you run into articles showing the ongoing 'Culture of Hate'.

The world is heading into some serious troubles. Until these people come to their senses, evil will continue to walk the earth.

Hamas has website dedicated to kids to indoctrinate them into becoming Suicide Bombers.

Culture of Torture:

The body of murdered American peace activist Tom Fox, 54, was found Friday in W Baghdad

March 11, 2006, 12:45 PM (GMT+02:00)

He had been tortured before being shot several times. Kidnapped in Iraq with fellow Canadian-based Christian Peacemaker Teams British Norman Kember and Canadians James Loney and Harmeet Sing Sooden last November, Fox did not appear with them on a videotape aired Tuesday by Al Jazeera.

Amazingly the torture was also reported on Gulfnews.

If you want some graphic footage of Arab torture in action (from Saddam's rule) visit EHOWA. Warning graphic. Don't forget the 'morale outrage' of the Muslim street about the US actions at the prision in Iraq. (But they are not the only ones, the Moonbat Left in the West also ignore the culture of hate and only concentrate on the West's actions.)

There doesn't seem to be much media coverage of Russian, Chinese, Iran etc. use of torture.

Not to mention the mild / non-existant condemnation of the continuing daily carnage in Iraq.

What we have here is evil animals running wild, under the pretenses of Religious Duties.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

The Missing (NYTimes) Civil War

Ralph Peters writes a stinging article about the missing Civil War in Iraq. Check out the article in the NY Post.
He is actually on the ground in Iraq. Apparently he feels that the NY Times reporters should get off their asses and do some honest reporting.

Hats off to you Ralph!

Why is part of al-Qaeda's Ayman Zawahiri's speach not mentioned in English version of Aljazeera's story?

Ayman Zawahiri called on Muslims to stop the West from "stealing Muslim oil".
But Aljazeera's English article makes no reference to this part of the speach they broadcast.

That is a major ommision in my opinion.

Another interesting part is Zawahiri does not call for stopping the 'East' (i.e. China) from getting oil.

The organization declared war on the West because the leadership is afraid of the East. They know that the West will fight a restrained war against them, and the 'East' would fight back without restraint.

Remember it was the US who risked its pilots to fight Serbia, to protect the Muslims in Kosovo. (The Europeans had no backbone to do this, and it was 'their' war to conduct) Russia and China (the 'East') were against the war. The Serbians were committing war crimes against the Muslims in Kosovo. So why is it that Zawahiri singles out the West in his speach?

Unrest in Pakistan, fighting on border with Afghanistan

Pro-Taliban tribesmen exchanged fire with Pakistan's army. Supposedly this is in retaliation for a strike the army conducted against a suspected al-Qaida camp.
Pakistan's army spokesman Maj. Gen. Shaukat Sultan said many have been killed.

Sultan said the militants were led by a local cleric Maulvi Abdul Khaliq, who this week called for a jihad, or holy war, against Pakistan's army.

Earlier Saturday, Khaliq had demanded that authorities stop killing "innocent" people in military operations and urged local elders, in an announcement broadcast from mosques and loudspeakers mounted on pickup trucks, to stop contact with the local government as a protest against the Saidgi operation.

How can the cleric Khaliq complain about killing "innocent" people? He calls for a Jihad - which means innocent people are going to die. Innocent people in Iraq are dying in large numbers because of militant terrorists. Innocent people died in the attacks on the World Trade Centers and Madrid trains. Innocent people die because of the twisted religious viewpoints held by fanatics like Khaliq.

If there is a God, he / she must be totally disappointed with the Human race.

A Civil Society is a long way off in the Palestian territories

30 members of Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades decided to occupy a Government building in the Gaza strip. They are upset because of their salaries being paid late. But they decided to fire their weapons too.

I can understand their frustration with not being paid. In my opinion the Palestians need to learn to stop resorting to weapons for the slightest of reasons. Violence begets violence. They could have simply staged a non-violent protest in front of the building.

There is a law in the state of Arizona called Shannon's law. The law was enacted in 2000 in response to a 14 year old girl's death by a stray bullet. Some moron fired a gun into the air, and the bullet came down and killed an innocent girl. Given all the firing of weapons into the air by the various armed Palestinian groups, it is certain that a similiar result is going to occur.

Where are the protests in the Muslim world now?

A battle took place at the Sunni mosque al-Nour in west Baghdad. Apparently (my interpretation of it) a group of Shia men drove up and started the fight. This attack did not just materialize for no reason, but most likely as a retaliation for the Sunni attacks on Shia mosques.

The attack is one in a series that have taken place lately. The violence is making it hard for the Iraqi Government to form. But isn't that exactly what the terrorists, Iran and Syria want? No strong Government, which leaves them with the ability to use their surrogates to run amok.

The US troops operate with massive restrictions around mosques. The terrorists know this and use the places to store weapons and bombs. But where are the protests in the Moslem world about the violence taking place in mosques? There are none. And this is another sign of hypocrisy.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Bush's Double Standard on Democracy?

Imran Khan, a former international cricket star and member of Pakistan's parliament, wanted to lead a protest against Bush. Here is why:

Khan said the protest would still go forward and was aimed at highlighting "Bush's double standard, claiming that his foreign policy goal is to promote freedom and democracy in the Muslim world and here's he come to support a military dictator. A serving general running the country and calling it democracy, it's just making fools out of us."

Now let me get this straight, a Religious Dictatorship is ok for Muslims, but not a Military Dictatorship? Either one is bad in my opinion. Which type of Government does Khan want? If he wants a true democracy (which if I am not mistaken, the last elected Government was so corrupt it was a total mess), then he is not on the 'right side' with the religous segments of his society.

Also one doesn't have to imagine the outrage that would have been forthcoming had Bush NOT visited Pakistan after his visit with India.

Personally I think that Bush should not have gone to Pakistan. The US is not liked by a very sizable segment of Pakistan. And the Taliban are freely operating out of Pakistan.

Yet another report of madman Al-Zarqawi's possible capture

There is suspicion that he was caught and being held. Anti terrorist operations were conducted around of Fallujah and Ramadi. We can only hope, but I feel that it is untrue. I believe he would kill himself rather than be taken alive.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Torture complaints against the US

Apparently it is still a news item (I have been unable to read news in awhile).

Read the story about how force feeding the prisoners in Guantanamo is torture.

Then if you have the stomach to view actual torture (Muslim on Muslim) then watch the following: Saddam's methods

Of course keep in mind which version of torture gets the most world wide media coverage